With the last updates we have revised all icons in our themes and brought them to the latest version. The older the themes were, the more extensive the changes were. After installing the updates, caching and script minification plugins should be reset so that the icon styles are loaded correctly.
Meet Dynamico – a worthy successor
Our latest WordPress theme Dynamico is a relaunch of our popular Dynamic News theme, which will be discontinued at the end of the year. The design still enjoys great popularity and we would like to enable the numerous users to continue using the layout.
Updates for revamped Color Options
After revising the typography options, we have now also tackled the color options and improved them fundamentally. Our newest themes have needed rather few adjustments here, so the biggest changes are mostly in our slightly older themes.
Updates: Improved Typography options
We have just rolled out another update for our whole theme and Pro add-on collection. The newest versions bring you revamped typography options with many smaller improvements and bug fixes.
Major Updates for Gambit and Palm Beach
We have made some significant updates to our Gambit and Palm Beach theme as well as their Pro Version add-on plugins. We recommend to carefully check your website after installing the update, since you might have to adjust custom modifications you have made. This concerns custom CSS changes as well as child themes.
End of updates & support for our older themes
Today I’d like to share our long-term plans for ending updates and support for our older themes. On 31th Dec 2022 we will send some of the themes released between 2014 and 2016 into their well-deserved retirement.