First block theme released

Yesterday I released my first Full Site Editing block theme. Charta is a very simple blog theme without many features, but a clean and modern design. It will soon be available on as well.


Replacing jQuery with Vanilla JavaScript

One thing that has been on my to-do list for a very long time was replacing jQuery with pure JavaScript, also called Vanilla JS. With the latest updates for themes and Pro version plugins, we now have this feature largely implemented. More insight about the advantages of the updates can be found in this short blog post.


Price changes for new customers

After a very long time – the last change was in 2016 – we are making some changes to our pricing model. The new prices are only valid for new customers. Existing customers with existing licenses are not affected and can continue to renew and use the old club memberships and bundles.

In this article I would like to briefly introduce the changes.


Additional features for widget areas

With version 5.8, WordPress Core has taken another step towards Full Site Editing and converted the previous widget areas into block areas. Under Appearance → Widgets and in the Customizer, a new block-based Widget Editor has been introduced for this purpose, with which blocks can now be inserted into any widget area.

For the new block-based widgets, we have also made some adjustments in our themes and Pro add-ons. These updates have been released the last few weeks.


All theme icons updated

With the last updates we have revised all icons in our themes and brought them to the latest version. The older the themes were, the more extensive the changes were. After installing the updates, caching and script minification plugins should be reset so that the icon styles are loaded correctly.


Meet Dynamico – a worthy successor

Our latest WordPress theme Dynamico is a relaunch of our popular Dynamic News theme, which will be discontinued at the end of the year. The design still enjoys great popularity and we would like to enable the numerous users to continue using the layout.
