Yesterday the new version of zeeReputation has been approved and turned live to the WordPress Theme Directory. There were two litte careless mistakes that avert the approvement.
The other themes have been updated a few days ago. So finally all of my free wordpress themes are up to date now.
Update Changelog
This was mainly a bugfixing update and I make really a lot of small changes. The most fixes were css issues. There were css bugs with captioned images, with displaying text elements in comments and some issues in the Search Template.
Furthermore all my themes get a new theme option panel. It only has a new header style, but in the backend of code I changed a few things. The new version do not use global variables anymore, which makes it more secure.
In addition I added a slug to some admin functions which were too generic. This can cause errors when a plugin use the same function name. All functions comes now with the “themezee_” slug in front of function name.
All themes contain now a new Page Template called “Page with Slider”. It allows to create a static page with the Featured Post Slider included. This feature was requested several times.
Update Hints
If you have modified the theme files, note that an update will overwrite these files. So make sure to have a backup of old theme files.
New Themes
My new themes zeeSynergie (Preview Link) and zeeBusiness (Preview) are completely finished and already uploaded to the WordPress Theme Directory. I decided to publish them when they are approved from the WordPress Review Team.
This makes sure the themes are free of bugs. I learned a lot about wordpress the last month and have a good experience now in create wordpress themes, but it happens very fast that I overlook some little mistake. And the WordPress Review Team is really thorough, they will found every existing error.
Theme Documentation
So, what else? I get very often comments with the same questions about wordpress or theme basics. So I decided to write a theme documentation how to install, setup and configure one of my free wordpress themes.
The documentation is currently in early stadium with four written pages. Altogether it will contain about 20 pages with tutorials about theme installation, wordpress settings, appearance configuration (menus, widgets), themezee option panel, code structure and code snipps to modify theme files.