Another year has nearly passed and it was a quite successful one for ThemeZee. After improving the support process at the beginning of the year I spent really much time on learning everything about responsive webdesign. The result were the release of eight new ThemeZee WordPress themes with responsive layout in 2013. Finally also got a mobile ready design.
I’d also like to give you an outlook for the future of ThemeZee. There are already planned many awesome things for 2014:
- shifting most of the old static width themes to a new responsive layout
- release a bunch of new WordPress themes
- change the shop software of and finally offer an affilliate program
- creating the first ThemeZee WordPress plugins
- hire some people to support the ongoing growth of ThemeZee
I’m truly looking forward to make all this stuff available for you in the new year.
However, for the few remaining days of 2013 it is time to relax. I’ve worked a lot this year and I finally need to recover a little bit. Therefore ThemeZee goes on company holiday from 24 to 31 Dec, which means that posting new topics and replies on the support forum will be deactivated. In emergency cases and when you really need quick help you can write an email to support[at]
I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Find a few days to relax by yourself and recharge your batteries. I hope to see you all again on back in 2014.
– Thomas from ThemeZee