This weekend we made some big changes in our business model, product policy and update process. We really hope you are not totally overwhelmed by it so far. You may have noticed that our price model has also changed along with the new license system.
Since every purchase is now linked to a license key with a maximum number of installed websites, the pricing structure needed some refinement. We have added three different price options depending on the number of sites you are using. The price model is now more flexible and aligned with your needs.
Pricing of Pro Version Plugins
A single Pro Version plugin for one of our themes will be offered with three different options:
Support & Updates for 1 Site – $29
In case you are only having one website, the price for the Pro Version will be much lower than the former price of $45 for the Pro theme.
Support & Updates for 2 to 5 Sites – $47
Most of our users should not have more than 5 websites in total, whereas the price of $47 should be very affordable and about the same as before.
Support & Updates for 6 to 15 Site – $63
For heavy users which want to use the Pro Version on more than 5 websites and need automatic updates & support for them, the price will be higher than before. It helps to cover the higher costs of theme support for so many websites.
Pricing of New Pro Version Bundle – $99
The old Theme and Lifetime Bundles are replaced with the new Pro Version Bundle. The new PRO Bundle includes the PRO Version plugins for all of our themes. The license is valid for 15 websites and 12 months of support & updates for each included PRO Version plugin.
You can learn more about that on our new pricing page.
If you have any questions, feel free to write us on or just leave us a comment below.
We are still experimenting to find the right pricing structure for our new license model. You may notice different price points in the next few weeks until we find the best price model.