The future of ThemeZee

The last few months have been a little quieter around ThemeZee and I would like to give you a brief insight into what we are currently working on and what the future of ThemeZee will look like.

Review 2018

We only released one theme last year with Donovan, which is a bit less than in previous years. Instead, we had some updates on the agenda, including updates for the GDPR and the new Gutenberg Editor.

One reason for the few releases of new themes and plugins was that I was very busy with learning JavaScript, ES6 and React for creating WordPress blocks. Meanwhile I feel very well prepared for the development with Gutenberg.

My first steps with Gutenberg led to the launch of a second theme shop for Business Themes called GermanThemes. Right now it is only available for the German-speaking market, but we may be aiming for internationalization later on.

The future of ThemeZee

I firmly believe that WordPress will remain a popular platform for editorial websites such as blogs, online magazines and news portals.

ThemeZee’s mission therefore remains unchanged. We will continue to develop Blogging & Magazine WordPress Themes with lean theme options and great usability.

ThemeZee Magazine Blocks

I’m currently working on a new plugin that will replace our Magazine Widgets. WordPress widgets will be replaced by blocks in the near future. We are going along with this development and will therefore publish a number of magazine blocks, which display your latest posts in different layouts.

The Magazine Blocks will be available as a plugin instead of in each theme individually. This will also make it easier to use the Magazine features with other themes and change themes without having to reconfigure the Magazine layout.

New WordPress Themes

With Phase 2 from Gutenberg, themes will probably be given the opportunity to register block areas and display them at different places in the theme. Users will then be able to add any content in the form of blocks. Bit by bit, headers, footers, sidebars and templates for blog, archives and posts will probably consist of blocks.

We are looking forward to using all these possibilities soon. We plan to publish new themes very regularly in order to use the latest features of Gutenberg. Stay tuned!